The Great Saskatchewan Joke Book

Joel Jeffrey

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ISBN: 9781772761504

The Great Saskatchewan Joke Book

  Author:   Joel Jeffrey    
  Publisher:  MacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc.

A fun collection of jokes, zingers, and regional jabs.

If you like a good joke (and we all know you do), then you’ll get a kick out of this hilarious collection that pokes fun at all things Saskatchewan. With zingers that will tickle your funny bone, these good-natured jabs are just funny enough that they will leave you rolling in the aisles.

The Great Saskatchewan Joke Book will literally make you laugh out loud. Joel Jeffrey believes that if you can’t laugh at yourself, then who can you laugh at?

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781772761504
Item MP0133
PublisherMacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc.
PublisherMacIntyre Purcell Publishing Inc.
Published on August 10 2020
Language eng
Pages 144
Format Paperback
Dimensions7(in) x 5(in)
Shipping weight140(g)
Joel Jeffrey was born and raised in Saskatchewan. He has been telling jokes since he was old enough to talk. In fact, his first words were "knock, knock." While his joke-telling abilities have evolved over the years, his maturity level hasn't (just ask his mom). Joel was born to be an entertainer. He has been articulating anecdotes from the stage for over a decade and has spent nearly 20 years on top-rated radio stations across Western Canada transmitting ridiculous repartee over the airwaves. Joel's jokes are constantly being featured all over the internet on Comedy Central, Huffington Post, Buzzfeed, The Chicago Tribune, The Jay and Dan Podcast, and more.

Quick Quotes

"Joel Jeffrey's incalculable wit and wry humor is second to none. This book is simply an intricately woven masterpiece of clever, gut-busting jokes. I am already looking forward to the sequel!" —Tommy Savitt, multi-award-winning comedian

"I've never been prouder to laugh so hard at my own province! Joel hilariously encompassed all the aspects that make Saskatchewan such a great place to live...and laugh!" —Stacie Cooper, Saskatoon Morning Show Host on 96.3 CRUZ FM