RESET: breathe Journal

Tracey Gairns Brioux

$21.00 $21.00

ISBN: 9781773660820

RESET: breathe Journal

  Author:   Tracey Gairns Brioux    
  Publisher:  Acorn Press

The RESET:breathe journal is a compilation of all things ‘feel good.’

Everyone was born with the right to live their life feeling the best they absolutely can but sometimes we just forget how.

Each day you will be asked to track the things that contribute to us feeling our best. Things like top priorities, sleep, energy and movement. The journal finishes with challenges and blank pages.

Details and Specs
ISBN associated with this title: 9781773660820
Item AC0196
PublisherAcorn Press
PublisherAcorn Press
Published on February 4 2021
Language eng
Pages 0
Format Paperback
Dimensions9(in) x 6(in)
Shipping weight290(g)

Tracey Gairns Brioux, the founder of RESET:breathe ( has been in the fitness and wellness industry for over twenty years. She is one of the most reputable fitness instructors in Atlantic Canada. In June 2018, Tracey and RESET:breathe won the Faces of Fusion Health and Wellness Award for Charlottetown. In 2018, she was nominated for the Charlottetown Chamber of Commerce "Emerging Business" award. In 2019, Tracey was selected as one of 30 businesses from Atlantic Canada, and the only solo led women founder, to be a member of the Propel program. She was also one of the recipients of the 2020 PEI Women in business (PEIBWA) grants.

All experience aside, Tracey's greatest strength is her passion for helping people and her dedication to the task.

Instagram: @resetbreathe
TikTok: @traceygairnsbrioux