• Mayann prend le train

    Created by: Mayann Francis
    Publisher: Nimbus Publishing

    Nine-year-old Mayann Francis and her family are travelling from their home in Cape Breton to New York City by train. Everything is exciting to young Mayann, from the beds that fold down to the stop in Montreal to visit friends. Most exciting of all is the chance to show off her brand new purse.

    When the Francis family arrives in big, bustling New York City, Mayann visits with relatives, goes to the zoo, and rides the subway. She even receives a beautiful black doll, something she has never seen before. But one subway ride, she loses her beautiful purse. At first she’s heartbroken, but she just might learn a lesson that makes the whole trip worthwhile.

  • Anne: La Maison aux pignons verts récits pour jeunes lecteurs

    Publisher: Nimbus Publishing

    Anne Shirley is hot-tempered, melodramatic, impulsive, accident-prone, and one of the best-loved literary characters in the world. From her feud with Gilbert Blythe to her near-drowning in the pond to the incident with the currant wine, Anne’s adventures come to life for a whole new generation in Anne of Green Gables: Stories for Young Readers. This French-language adaptation of Lucy Maud Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables, written by Prince Edward Island writer Deirdre Kessler and translated by Jo-Anne Elder, is suitable for readers ages six and up. With twenty-eight colourful, historically accurate illustrations by award-winning illustrator David Preston Smith, Anne of Green Gables: Stories for Young Readers will delight readers too young for chapter books but nonetheless enthralled by the enduring appeal of Montgomery’s timeless story.

  • L’étoile dans la pomme

    Created by: Marie-France Comeau
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Somewhere on a fertile land, a love-struck apple plays around with a moonbeam.

  • Sur la rue de Tout-le-Monde

    Created by: Sheree Fitch
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    “If ever you go walking on Everybody street you will see everyone’s different.”

  • La nouvelle vie de Madame Bouteille

    Created by: Angèle Delaunois
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    During an incredible trip, Madam Bottle and her friend Mister Paper, are in for a… transformative experience! What will Madam Bottle look like after her beauty treatment?

  • B pour bayou Un abecedaire cadien

    Created by: Richard Guidry
    Artist: Réjean Roy
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    B pour bayou [B for bayou] is a cajun ABC in which Richard Guidry (AKA «Le gros Cadien» or «the Big Cajun») and his friends offer up a Gombo-soaked delicacy of words, while illustrator Réjean Roy takes us aboard his Esquif, down the Mississippi. After Ah! pour Atlantique, we leave the Acadie of the Maritimes for the Cajun Acadia of Louisiana!

  • Une journee poney! Pemkiskahk’ciw ahahsis!

    Created by: Hélène deVarennes
    Artist: Paul Lang
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Joséphine looks at her grandfather and wonders whether he’s serious. After all, he loves to joke around! A pony has neither a steering wheel to drive it, nor seat to sit in… how will she ever stay on a pony and guide it to the pond?

  • Sous mon arbre

    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Robins, swallows, sparrows, and chickadees… Birds are frolicking on the grass, but in the tree, a cat is watching. Will their songs sing its vigilance to sleep? Writer and seasoned teacher Chantal Duguay Mallet and young local illustrator in high demand Danica Brine are back with a third charming book in the Sous mon… series…, made of rhymes, short sentences and a rich vocabulary combined with colourful and amusing illustrations!

  • Appi et le parfum puant

    Created by: Marilou Savoie
    Artist: Pauline Dugas
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    When you’re a skunk, stinking is a musk-t. Priscille has no smell, and at the Great Muskyrade Ball, she will fade next to her gloriously stinky sisters. Her friend Appi wants to help the sad little skunk. In this second quest, she will go looking for the smelliest smell possible! On the way, there will be brambles bushes, a cooking witch and a carnivorous plant with a bad temper.

  • Coquelicot sur un rocher

    Created by: Aurélie Resch
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Carla, journalist covering the war in Afghanistan, is on a quest. She’s searching for something significant to bring back for her son Théo.

    For his part, Tom, a nineteen-year-old American, try to make sense of this war for which he embarked without knowing why. His mother deeply worried at the thought of her son.

    Laïla and Amir, living in a dusty Kabul, are separated by the conflicts.

    These mothers and their child are bound by the same fight, the one for love.

  • La bonne idée!

    Created by: Marie-Josée Pitre
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Océanne would love to have a swimming pool or take a trip in an airplane like her new friend does. But Océanne’s parents are farmers. They sell at the local market. It doesn’t earn them a great deal and it takes a lot of work. Nevertheless, the family takes a weekend off to go visit Oceanne’s great grandmother at Baie Sainte-Marie in Nova Scotia. It’s a trip that will give her a chance to appreciate how fortunate she is, and put her little aggravations into perspective. What’s more, she has an idea that will take shape while she’s there–one which will make her parents proud and make Océanne herself a partner in their market venture.

  • Les Sept Amis

    Created by: Elena Martinez
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Monday throws on warm clothing, Tuesday takes the train to meet Wednesday while Thursday crawls out of bed to meet up with Friday… for a whole week’s worth of rhyme and sparkling illustrations.

  • Ah! pour Atlantique

    Created by: Sylvain Rivière
    Photographer: Réjean Roy
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Everyone knows that the oceans are full of treasures and hidden dangers–with Sylvain Rivière we discover twenty-six of them. With the sail set to cruising, Ah! pour Atlantique explores the myths of Ulysses and Neptune, kayak and yacht voyages, the threat presently posed by green crabs and multiple other aspects of the marine trades. All sails set, Rivière’s verses resonate like a foghorn, illustrated by the talented Réjean Roy. These marine terms offer a special passage into francophone America–its dreamscapes and majestic views, a wellspring of treasures and adventures firmly anchored in our Maritime vocabulary.

  • Mémère Soleil, Nannie Lune

    Created by: Diane Carmel Léger
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Acadian Mémère and Scottish Nannie seem to have nothing in common but their grandchildren, but in this beautiful picture book from bestselling author Diane Carmel Léger and illustrator Jean-Luc Trudel, difference is celebrated. A co-publication with Nimbus Publishing, published simultaneously in English.

  • Le pêcheur et le renard

    Created by: Marianne Dumas
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Barabas is a lonely fisherman. Every morning, alone, he goes out to sea on his small fishing boat, throws his net in the water, and hopes to bring some fish home (where no one is waiting for him). Then, one day Barabas discovers footprints near his home. To whom could they belong?

  • Sous ma roche

    Artist: Danica Brine
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    A curious child lifts a garden rock and discovers a lively universe. These bugs might send a small shiver down an adult’s spine, but the colorful, whimsical illustrations are just what any playful child relishing gooey and squigly creatures wants to approach. The short rhythmic sentences are a perfect tool to approach French reading and natural sciences to boot, since all these charming creatures are found in the Atlantic provinces!

  • Maya et Mitaine

    Created by: Joanie Duguay
    Artist: Réjean Roy
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    At any age, you can miss your home and your old reassuring cat. Maya accompanies her designer mother on a professional trip to Paris but worries: will Mitaine hold up? Will her father working on a cruise ship leave St-John’s port before she’s back? Whether walking down your own German Street in New Brunswick or up Butte Montmartre in Paris for the first time, love is the best travel insurance.

  • Lili Tutti-Frutti

    Created by: Edith Bourget
    Artist: Serge Richard
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Lili Tutti-Frutti’s friends and family tease her and predict she will turn bananas if she keeps chomping on her beloved snacks. This is just what seems to happen, but then, what better cure than Maman’s love and… more fruits! This whimsical and touching book also includes a two-page presentation with specific exotic fruit names, no preaching and all in good fun, but it does encourage a fruit eating habit!

  • La patate cadeau ou la « vraie » histoire de la poutine râpée

    Created by: Diane Carmel Léger
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Christian Treitz, the youngest son in a German family immigrated to the Monckton Township, learns that the trauma of the Acadian Deportation is still alive. The Treitz family is hungry and cold. Luckily, Christian meets Pierre Belliveau, who could have left Moncton’s newcomers to their unhappy fate. Instead, the Acadian has brought with him the seed of a new beginning. Despite the obstacles between them, their unexpected friendship blossoms on the banks of the Petitcodiac River. 

  • Un coeur, quatre pattes

    Artist: Danica Brine
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    It’s back to school for Jacoby, a therapy dog. He knows his job but can’t help feel a little anxious. With the help of Madame Ève, he will meet the challenge just fine. And with his big heart, he will prove to be a great support for little Jacob, who has moved from Alberta. A dog at school might be unusual, but it can sure make a world of difference!

  • Sous mon lit / Beneath My Bed

    Artist: Danica Brine
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Clinging on to his blanky, his gaze sparkling with curiosity, a child examines what hides underneath his bed. He focuses his flashlight on some of the animals of the Maritime Provinces; some well know, and others to discover. Each is absorbed in some rather whacky activity: let’s not reveal the smelt’s or the weasel’s, but the turtle, the lobster and skunk seem to be having a merry party indeed!

  • Dis dix dinosaures / Say Ten Dinosaurs

    Created by: Gaetane Pinet
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    This is Bouton d’or Acadie’s first foray into the world of dinosaurs. Dis dix dinosaures steps into a burgeoning world where each page is an opportunity for children to have fun counting and associating details of the images to numbers. On the splash page, one finds the scientific names of dinosaurs frequently found in other works, but (in our opinion) never illustrated with such stunning colours. Denise Paquette, one of Acadie’s most seasoned illustrators, had the time of her life with this one. As for the Moncton author Gaëtane Pinet, with such imagination, she makes a striking debut!

  • Flo remonte la riviere / Flo Up the River

    Created by: Ginette Pellerin
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    A winding river seems to beckon Flo away from her beloved Maritime bay. In this fourth adventure for the little traveling buoy, Flo gathers her courage and goes upstream. Her curiosity is put to the test as she discovers a whole new world of colors, animals and sounds. But at the end of the day, a friendly encounter allows the little buoy to quietly fall asleep, cradled by the river.

  • AmiSoleil aux iles de la Madeleine

    Created by: Nicole Daigle
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Accompagne AmiSoleil dans cette toute nouvelle aventure. Tu y découvriras comment vivent le pluvier siffleur et la puce de sable. Tu verras que, même s’ils sont très différents, ces deux animaux ont quelque chose en commun..

    Une invitation à la découverte d’un habitat côtier et des animaux qui y vivent.

  • Mighty Glooscap Transforms Animals and Landscape

    Created by: Allison Mitcham
    Artist: Réjean Roy
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    After creating the Mi’kmaqs, the great Glooscap was certain that he had established harmony on earth. But a problem remained: the beavers had built a huge dam across the Restigouche River, preventing the salmon from swimming upriver as far as the camp of the Mi’kmaqs who had come to fish there. Young Mi’kmaq men were convinced they could remedy the situation. However, completely failing to put things right, they asked the loon to call Glooscap to help them. Will the beavers once more outmaneuver Master Glooscap?

  • Le trésor d`Elvis Bozec

    Created by: Francoise Enguehard
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Elvis Bozec a un rêve : découvrir des vestiges laissés par les marins français qui sont venus, il y a très longtemps, pêcher la morue à Terre-Neuve. Avec l’aide de sa sœur et d’un vieux monsieur sympathique, réussira-t-il à retrouver les traces de son ancêtre sur l’île Rouge, où l’on ne voit pourtant plus rien du passage des Bretons ?

  • How the Petitcodiac River Became Muddy

    Created by: Raymond Martin
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Légende mi’kmaq. Combat entre une anguille et un homard

  • Little Boy Catches a Whale

    Created by: Allison Mitcham
    Artist: Naomi Mitcham
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Un couple pauvre et âgé recueille un petit garçon trouvé sous la terre. Cette action bienveillante est le prélude à une série de prodiges…

    Ewle’jijik kisiku’k wejia’titl lpa’tu’ji’jl aqq westawia’titl. Wla teli wla’tekejik nikan-aknutk ta’n teli mili tpiejik.

    A poor old couple find a little boy underground and rescue him. This kind action is the prelude to a series of amazing occurrences.

  • Quai 21: Écoutez mon histoire

    Created by: Christine Welldon
    Publisher: Nimbus Publishing

    Découvrez des moments parmi les plus marquants de l’histoire du Canada en apprenant à connaître les enfants et les familles débarqués au Quai 21 de Halifax. Venus de pays lointains tels l’Estonie, l’Italie et l’Ukraine (pour n’en nommer que quelques-uns), ces immigrants ont tous franchi les « ports de la liberté » pour faire du Canada leur nouvelle patrie.

    Jamie, un « enfant invité » originaire d’Ecosse et Mariette, une petite orpheline juive, ont tous deux été envoyés au Canada à un jeune âge afin d’échapper à la même guerre. La famille de Heili, in jeune Estonienne, a fui le régime communiste russe en prenant la mer à bord du Walnut. La famille de Luigi est venue d’Italie chercher du travail au Canada après la guerre et la famille de Maryke est arrivée de Hollande à la rechercher de terres à cultiver.

    Aujourd’hui connu sous le nom de Mussée canadien de l’immigration, le Quai 21 a accueilli plus d’un million de nouveaux Canadiens, de 1928 à 1971. Beaucoup d’entre eux craignaient ce que leur réservait leur pays d’adoption. Cependant, toutes ces familles, même si elles étaient de cultures et d’origines différentes, ont cru à promesse d’un vie meilleure et plus sûre que leur offrait le Canada. En débarquant au pays, les immigrants échappaient au passé, emportant dans leur cœur de précieux souvenirs de leur lieu d’origine. Le Quai 21 représentait le premier pas vers une nouvelle vie.

  • Évangéline Récits pour jeunes lecteurs

    Created by: Helene Boudreau
    Publisher: Nimbus Publishing

    Henry Wadsworth Longfellow’s epic poem, Evangeline, tells the story of two young people deported from beautiful Acadie just before they are to be married—and their search for each other that lasts the rest of their lives. First published in 1847, the poem has been important to Acadian identity ever since.In Évangéline: Récits pour jeunes lecteurs, the tragic story of Evangeline and Gabriel’s Deportation is recounted to a new generation. In simple prose true to Longfellow’s poem, Hélène Boudreau describes the utopian village of Grand-Pré where Evangeline grows up, the traumatizing Deportation, and Evangeline’s relentless search across America for her true love. Patsy MacKinnon’s stunning illustrations bring the story to life in full colour.Évangéline: Récits pour jeunes lecteurs is a vital, French-language interpretation for children of Longfellow’s classic.

  • Le retour du Capitaine Baboune

    Created by: Michel Ouellette
    Artist: Réjean Roy
    Publisher: Bouton d'or Acadie

    Oh no! Captain Baboune is at it again! This time, at the helm of an infernal machine, capturing the winds and deregulating the climate.
